Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Being Mindful

I'm now into my second week of using Guided Mindfulness Meditiation CDs by Jon Kabat-Zinn. I got Series 1 (there appears to be a Series 2 and 3 also, but they're not readily available) as a Christmas present a couple of years ago and I've listened to each of the 4 CDs sporadically. Now I've listened and practices each one twice. I particularly like the Body Scan Meditation and the two Mindful Yoga routines use very simple and restful stretches. The most challenging for me is the Sitting Meditation which starts by focusing on the breath and then expands consciousness to awareness of touch, hearing, thoughts, and then . . . being fully in the present. Well, I'll get back to you in a couple of weeks with a mindfulness progress report
Just found this website with reading suggestions to go along with the CDs plus ordering information for Series 2 and 3.

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