Monday, June 8, 2009

Don't tell me it's the second week of June already!

I've been having so much fun cleaning my oven and weeding the garden that I seem to have lost all track of time. A lot of interesting events slipped by like Long Beach Heritage's Home Tour and the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life at the CSULB track, but we just need to move on and not regret all those things that could have been.

As if to relieve my guilt a little, Tour des Artistes still does not have its full schedule online even though it takes place this Saturday June 13 in Downtown LB from 4 to 9 with afterparties promised into the wee hours. The full schedule is supposed to be up on Thursday at the website as well as an insert in OC Weekly. (What isn't the District Weekly big enough?) So far I have my eye on Artmatters Long Beach at the Lafayette's Dome Room in which some of the finest writers in Long Beach will be reading their works. Hmm, sounds just a little bit too good to be true, but I'm just gullible enough to have a look-see

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