Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Book Talk

Phew! I finished the book just in time for Covenant Presbyterian Church’s first book club meeting on Saturday, March 7. It’s called The Shack, a self-published book that’s sold millions via word of mouth and the internet. The plot is pretty creaky, but there are some lovely scenes of a reluctant Christian’s reconciliation with a loving and forgiving God. The promotion and marketing of the book seems just a tad manipulative, especially “The Missy Project,” where the publishers encourage readers to promote the book using the name of a fictional character who is the victim of a brutal rape and murder. The implication is that promoting the book will somehow help rape victims when in fact the only people who will benefit are the publishers.

Anyway, it’s been years since I’ve put in my two cents at a book discussion, so I’m stoked about sharing likes and dislikes.

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