Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Year, New Clear

Ah, nothing like the new year to winnow to inspire you to winnow away those pesky ezines that clog up the in-box. Clog my blog! Unconscionable! I’ve unsubscribed to at least twenty-five sites, mostly catalogs, although one was such a complex process that I may have resubscribed by accident. Sort of like stepping in electronic poop.

But there are a few favorites that I just can’t say good-bye to. Ezines say a lot about one’s dreams, don’t they? Mine could fill an ocean liner, but topping the list are travel, especially Europe, enlightenment, serenity, and slinging words, not necessarily in that order. Eons ago, we sat and watched the flicker of flames and dreamed tremulous dreams. Now, our eyes are just as bedazzled, but as least we don’t have to clean up the soot.

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