Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Beans are Beings and the Peppers Have Peepers

My “pots o’plenty” patio garden has taken root and is beginning to bloom. I have four large pots with self-watering inserts—2 with tomatoes and peppers and 2 with bush beans. I had lots of potting soil with compost mix left over, so I scrounged all the empty pots I could find—6, I think—and planted basil seeds in them. Nothing’s happened with the basil so far, but I haven’t given up hope, plus I still have lots more seeds to plant if those don’t take.

In keeping with my organic theme, I trimmed the hedges in the front yard and (much to my husband’s chagrin) I’m going to use the longest branches for stakes for my tomatoes. The Early Girl is very bushy with 8 sprigs of blossoms and the Big Beef is tall and lanky. I’m afraid they may completely overpower the red pepper plant, but just yesterday, I did notice a few little “peeper” buds, so we may get a few peppers out of them. I planted the beans from, well, beans, so I was so excited to see the little seeds pop up from the soil. Out of 10 beans, I’ve got 8 seedlings—pretty good return.

I’m gotten so deep into this gardening thing, that now I’m surfing gardening sites. My favorite is Gardeners Supply—lots of self-watering pots and accessories. My next purchase will be a self-watering window box or a couple of self-watering hanging baskets. I took a “Grow What You Eat” pledge to grow 10 pounds with them. They hope to have a million people sign up, but they only have 18,000 so far. So all those backyard farmers out there, put down your trowels, wipe the dirt off your knees, and sign up.

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