Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Miracle on Seventh Street

I just heard that the northbound I-405 and Highway 22 connector, also known as the 7th Street bridge will be closed for construction for about a year beginning in 2010. It’s part of a major freeway improvement project headed by the Orange County Transit Authority called the West Count Connectors project. The 7th Street westbound entrance will also be closed, and detour routes have been planned but not given final approval.

As an Alamitos Heights resident, I say, “Hip, hip, hooray! No noise and air pollution from 7th Street for a whole year!” I know I’m trying to make lemonade out of lemons here, but wouldn’t it be great if they turned the westbound lanes of 7th Street into a greenway for that year. Think of it—an inner city bike/hiking trail, volleyball courts, slides and swings, sand and potted plants, a labyrinth—the possibilities are endless.

Which leads to my real ulterior motive: make 7th Street an underground roadway through residential areas and Recreation Park. A bold and mind-bogglingly expensive proposition, but not impossible. I’ve read where other cities have plans to cover parts of freeways and put in playing fields. Hey, let’s get Sean Hitchcock on the job. He could construct his ever-loving soccer fields in a logical location.

By the way, there will be an Open House hosted by Councilmember Gary DeLong and OCTA on April 23 from 6 to 8 pm at Wilson High School Auditorium to discuss the closures and how traffic will be impacted. These are mature, level-headed adult, so crackpots with loony ideas about parks and bikes and green things best stay away.

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