Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Yet More Yoga

Silver Age Yoga is a nonprofit group based in San Diego. Since 2003, it has provided free classes to teach seniors yoga poses to address their health needs. The Long Beach Senior Center holds a SAYCO class on Wednesdays at 11 am.

Findbliss combines business and pleasure with directories of restaurants, spas, and yoga studios as well as related products with a growing archive short essays and tips on yoga, meditation, balanced living, and health and wellness.

Lorin Roche concentrates more on meditation than yoga, but his teachings are based on an ancient yogic text Vijnana Bhairava Tantra. He has just released a new translation called The Radiance Sutra, described at "112 Yogas of wonder and deleight for touching the divine in the midst of daily life. He also holds weekly meditation sessions "with emphasis on spontaneity and naturalness" in Venice at Aanand Sagaar from 7:30 to 9:00 pm.

Comic/writer/yogini Beth Lapides has a refreshingly wacky take on yoga practice. She has a calendar of her upcoming performances and workshops and links to her column My Other Car is a Yoga Mat.

Desert Wonderland looks like a perfect meditation retreat center a few miles outside of Twentynine Palms. Sweeping desert views and artistic touches for $700 a week.

Objets d"Art & Spirit looks like an interesting emporium of bath oils beads and other trinkets relaxation and meditation. Some products are sold online but for the full monty you have to visit the store on Sunset Boulevard's "rockin' row."

Finally, I just have to include a mention of Shadow Yoga, although it looks a little too intense for my quavering spirit. It involves exploring the many layers of shadows in the physical and psychic body. There are many workshops throughout the world and books and DVDs to help elucidate.

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